Firma noastra executa toate fazele de prelucrare a lemnului, incepand cu exploatarea bustenilor din padure, debitarea, uscarea, prelucrarea cherestelei precum si impregnarea produselor finite cu o solutia ecologica pe baza de apa cu ajutorul unei instalatii de impregnare tinand cont de culoarea dorita de client.
Ce pc detineti?
Eu am un pc,mai mult ca modest
Procesor:amd athlon x2(Dual Core)2,66ghz
Placa video:ati readon/Asus eax 1550-512 mb,hyper memory 1024mb vram,pe 128 bit! data lansari(2007)
Ram:2gb ddr2
Monitor:lcd/philips 21''
Din pacate cam toate jocurile aparute in 2009 le duc doar pe 1024x768 fara sa mearga in reluare.Mai sunt si jocuri,care de exemplu imi merg NASOL chiar si in …
In Far Cry 2's chaotic world of mercenaries, gunrunners, and armed
militias, you'll find yourself dropped into a dizzying web of shady
clients and paper-thin alliances. All manner of names and faces are
introduced during the course of the storyline, but the real star isn't
anyone brandishing a …
The release of the game's trailer in March saw the 50-odd seconds of teaser footage poured over
like evidence in a CSI
episode, with fans (ourselves included) rabidly dissecting it frame by
frame. To further stoke the fires of anticipation, Rockstar Games
recently hit town and did the previously unthinkable: They gave us …
2K Games a anunţat că studiourile Illusion Softworks lucrează la Mafia 2, mult-aşteptata continuare a jocului de acţiune Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.
Mafia 2 va fi lansat pentru PC, Xbox 360 şi PlayStation 3, producătorii neoferind însă şi o dată estimativă de lansare.
Call of Duty: World at War renunta la regulile scrise ale conflictelor armate, dand o fata noua celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, introducand noi inamici, noi tactici si o experienta pe viu a unor batalii in care s-a implicat o intreaga generatie. Ca marinari ai SUA si soldati rusi, …
It's good. If you're a fan of Ghostbusters (and maybe even Ghostbusters 2),
that's all you needed to know, so you can go out and grab your copy
without worrying that you'll have to tread through bad game mechanics
just to get a few good laughs. If for some reason you're a newcomer to
the …
As any knowledgeable caveman will tell you, it's tough to reinvent
the wheel. Some might say impossible. The developers behind the yearly
stable of sports games that we all love struggle with a similar problem
every season. How do you change a videogame enough to make it worth
sixty bucks while still staying in the confines of the given sport? …